
Student Corner

Global Warming

Written by: Anmol Dangol - 26015, Grade X

Posted on: 27 July, 2023

Nature created our globe, as well as all living creatures such as animals, birds, insects, trees, and plants. Everyone has the right to spend their life as they like, yet human beings are the most puzzling of all living beings. We people are murdering nature for our selfish desires and greed, and we shall pay the price in the form of disasters. 

Long Effect of Global Warming:
As carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutants and greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere, they absorb sunlight and solar energy that has reflected off the earth's surface, causing global warming. Normally, this radiation would disperse into space, but impurities that may persist in the atmosphere for years or decades retain the heat and cause the planet to warm. Hence, the greenhouse effect occurs. 

Natural Causes of Global Warming:
The world has been changing for decades. The sun's natural rotation affects global warming by altering the intensity of sunlight and bringing it closer to the Earth. Greenhouse gas emissions are another source of global warming. Greenhouse gases such as carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide capture solar heat rays and prevents them from exiting the earth's surface. As a result, the Earth's temperature has been rising. Volcanic eruptions are another component that adds to global warming. A single volcanic eruption can emit large amounts of carbon dioxide and ash into the atmosphere. The Earth's temperature rises as carbon dioxide levels rise, and greenhouse gases absorb solar energy.
Methane is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. It traps heat in the atmosphere 20 times more effectively than carbon dioxide. It is commonly employed in a range of applications. Among the many examples are cattle, landfills, natural gas, petroleum systems, coal mining, mobile explosions, and industrial waste operations.

Human Influences on Global Warming:
Humans are to blame for global warming more than natural reasons. The planet has been developing for many years and continues to do so as a result of current human lifestyles. Human activities include industrial production, fossil fuel consumption, mining, livestock husbandry, and deforestation. The first is the industrial revolution. Fossil fuels have been used to power industrial machines. Everything we consume is composed of fossil fuels. When we buy a mobile phone, for example, the manufacturing process requires machinery that runs on fossil fuels, and carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere. Aside from industry, transportation releases carbon dioxide through emissions, such as vehicles. Deforestation, by far the most prevalent issue. Humans have been chopping down trees for centuries to make documents, timber, and houses, among other things.

Effects of Global Warming:
Every year, scientists learn more about the effects of global warming, and they all agree that if present trends continue, there will be environmental, economic, and health consequences. Here's a glimpse of what we may look forward to in the coming months:

Melting glaciers, early snowmelt, and severe droughts would exacerbate water scarcity in the American West, increasing the danger of wildfires. Coastal flooding is expected throughout the East Coast, particularly in Florida, as well as in other locations such as the Gulf of Mexico. New pests, as well as heat waves, torrential rains, and increasing flooding, will wreak havoc on forests, agriculture, and cities.

Many plant and animal species may become extinct if habitats like coral reefs and Alpine meadows are damaged. Increased pollen-producing ragweed growth, increased levels of air pollution, and the development of pathogen and mosquito-friendly circumstances will increase the likelihood of allergy, asthma, and infectious disease epidemics.
