
Student Corner

A New Offspring

Written by: Eshaan Kumar Rajbhandari - 27027, Grade IX

Posted on: 26 July, 2023

I was chasing after my dog then suddenly. I bumped into a girl. When I looked her in the eyes it looked like cherry blossoms were blooming around us. Her cheeks were as red as the roses around us. I found myself being blessed by a fallen angel while staring at her. She replied in an astonished voice, “You creep!” Then I started to head home with Clifford, my dog feeling embarrassed. I got ready for college and headed off. As it was my last semester and last year of my science career. I was also doing an internship. My life was pretty monotonous, get up, take my dog for a walk, return and go to college, then internship, come home, study and go to sleep.


My classes were over, so I got ready to head for my internship. Before that I went to a restaurant with my friends and saw the same girl I had bumped into this morning. I saw her arguing with a guy. Suddenly I could feel my heart falling apart for no reason. After we were almost done eating I had to get up to go to the bathroom. The waitress bumped into me and accidentally poured some of the food on my shirt. It was the girl from the morning. I was so captured by her beauty that I did not realize that she was in a waitress’ uniform. I was confused, because she was arguing with someone else and now she’s in the uniform and working. Then I realized that they were twins when the manager of the restaurant was profoundly apologizing to me.


I too apologized to the waitress for not looking where I was going and came to find out that she was the one I met in the morning. Her name was Dristi. We were even now and the man her twin was arguing with was their father. From that day onwards my life drastically changed. I had become the restaurant’s daily customer, even just for a cup of coffee. I found that I had fallen in love which I had confessed to her twin. I couldn’t concentrate on my studies, I was too captivated by her beauty. One fine day, I decided to confess my love to Dristi. But before I went to her, she was already in my house with her twin and father to talk with my mother about our marriage. I was confused; I thought that my head was going to blow up. It was surreal, I even pinched myself to see whether it was real or a dream. My mother and my brother gave us blessings for the marriage but they did make us promise that we would only wed after we finished college. I then had to work hard so that I could get better grades and get a better job to provide for my soon to be wife. After graduation, I secured a good job with a  nice pay. We collected lots of wonderful memories with each other. She used to call me, “ Mr. Doc”. A year later we got married in a small and private wedding with only our closest friends and family. When I thought my life couldn’t be any more beautiful, a new offspring came to make my life even better. My little daughter and my wife made my incomplete life complete. Life has it’s ups and downs but looking at my family, all of it seems worth it.