
Student Corner


Written by: Sayuri Shrestha - 28017, Grade VIII

Posted on: 25 July, 2023

I rode a kite to find light in dark 
But I found you instead 
I opened the door and saw you sitting there
Underneath the tree that screamed help

You saw me hiding in the dark and I saw you too 
You tried to save me but you were sinking too
I sunk before you but like a big wave of hope 
You held me tight, I saw a blink of light and the source was you

You held me tight and so did I 
You brought me back and I climbed  back,
I was alive, standing on the shore
I turn back and see you gone

I run back to find you, 
but alas you were gone 
I tried to be the source for you 
like you were to me

They disappeared, The hope, 
The light, The strength
You disappeared and left me with light 
and a tree that screamed hope even in the void.