
Student Corner


Written by: Prashraya Shrestha - 26014, Grade X

Posted on: 21 July, 2023

The environment we live in is gradually degrading day by day and it is all due to our ignorance. People have been misusing the environment for thousands of years but nowadays it is the most prevalent. Due to modernization most of the things we use in our daily life are powered by fossil fuels or electricity. Trees have been cut down to make room for roads and buildings, habitats have been destroyed to make room for factories which pollute the air. These are some of the main contributions to environment degradation:

  • -  Industrialization/modernization: Factories and industries release a number of pollutants in the air which contributes to the degradation of the environment. This includes air pollutants that harm the air quality which causes smog, acid rain and other complications in the environment, chemical and toxic waste that harm the water bodies. Carbon emission is also a major factor as 23% of carbon dioxide in the air is due to factories that contribute to climate change and the gasses can build up and cause other major problems like global warming. Industries create a lot of waste, some of it hazardous and immune to natural decomposition. If this garbage is not properly disposed of, it can pollute the land, water, and ecosystems, endangering both people and animals. incidents do occur sometimes, such as when oil spills or chemicals escape from companies, and these incidents can seriously harm the environment. Industries also use large amounts of resources and require a lot of labor to learn which indirectly harms our environment.
  • -  Lack of sustainable development: Over consumption of resources is also a part of a degrading environment. Most of the cars we see on roads are powered by fossil fuels even though there are alternatives. People still prefer using fossil fuels powered cars as the electric cars today require more maintenance and are not as reliable. Even though sustainability has been a concept for years people are still yet to apply it in their daily life. The sustainable development we know today can not keep up with the standards we are used to and humans are still yet to come up with better solutions.
  • -  Deforestation: Although deforestation has been decreasing, it is still one of the leading factors of environmental degradation. Deforestation has been a problem since the first act of industrialization started but now it is at its peak. Usage of harmful chemicals and pesticides in the soil also contributes to deforestation as it decreases the soil quality which in return causes landslides and floods and other natural disasters which harm our environment immensely.
  • -  In conclusion, even though we are late we humans are trying to better ourselves and better the environment. There have been numerous events and protests regarding environmental degradation. Governmental bodies have also taken action against environmental degradation. We as humans should also contribute for the betterment of our environment and do our part to make our environment clean, healthy and sustainable for the future generations to enjoy.