
Student Corner

Conservation Of Environment

Written by: Surabhi Ghimire - 26012, Grade X

Posted on: 17 July, 2023

The progress in science, technology, and natural phenomena caused by humans is commendable. No achievement is possible without risks. Sometimes they're worth it due to "evolution" while they hamper the environment and organisms present in it immensely. At times, the environment being hampered can result in serious situations. The Canadian fire hazards–though it is a work of nature, we slowly caused it to break down by testing possibilities for more evolution, and due to that fire, NYC (New York City) is also being affected.


I believe everything we do has a consequence, however small it may be.  Even in this circumstance, we have been trying to stop climate change. We have been trying to recoil from our actions, and it's still far from okay.  Though, I've only ever heard of petitions against climate change. Turns out, Nepal has announced it will achieve 0 emissions by 2045 as well as India currently aiming to cut its GDP's emissions intensity by 45% by 2030. Other different countries have made similar announcements regarding climate change and environmental conservation. The scary thing is that if we somehow manage to reach the point where climate change isn't affecting us anymore, the harm is irreversible. Sure, we could try to lessen it, but there is no guarantee that it'll get better.  It makes me wonder what it'll be like if we never tried.


Would it be worse? Better? In this case, the hypothetical situation is extreme and affecting.  I believe everything we do has a consequence, how small it may be.  Though we focus on evolution, it makes no impact if one day the climate causes the earth to be inhabitable. All the work done by scientists, researchers, and mathematicians will prove to be pointless.  With such an impactful change, the earth we know may not remain the same. Its lifespan may be reduced by years, resulting in earlier destruction of the civilizations present on Earth. If the environment was not conserved at all, from the beginning, we would face catastrophic consequences. Ecosystems would collapse, leading to the extinction of countless species. Air and water pollution would skyrocket, causing health issues for humans as well as other organisms. Climate change would worsen, resulting in extreme weather events. It is crucial to prioritize environmental conservation to ensure a sustainable future for our planet. Still, in the present, ecosystems ARE slowly collapsing. Undeniably, species are also extinct. This makes me wonder if our process of dealing with climate change and environmental crises is actually effective. Are we dealing with it in the right way? Are the higher-ups aware of this situation? Do they care enough to be serious about it? I wonder.