
Student Corner

Tesla’s Noble Work

Written by: Riddhis Sharma - 26006, Grade X

Posted on: 29 June, 2023

Nicolas Tesla was a great scientist who discovered many of the things we use today.  Born on July 10, 1856, Smiljan, Croatia, Tesla was a poor man . He had no money back then. He studied in Gimnazija Karlovac from 1870 to 1873  and studied in TU Graz from 1875 to 1878. He had to drop out of the college due to lack of funds in the second year.  

People often liked to call Tesla the mad scientist as he had ideas that no other person at the time had. One of these unbelievable ideas was the idea of the Wardenclyffe Tower. Tesla was a great enthusiast. He believed that the great pyramid of Giza was made for a purpose. So he started making the Wardenclyffe tower with the reference of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Colorado where he did all of his crazy experiments. These experiments were quite dangerous so he moved out there to do these tests. Tesla believed that the Great Pyramid of Giza was a stand for a sort of tower from which electricity could be supplied all around the world so as his reference was the Pyramid the Wardenclyffe tower’s top looked like a pyramid. His plan was to make a tower that was large enough to supply electricity to the whole world but later due to lack of financial support, his ideas failed.  

Later studies of this showed that he actually wanted to supply energy to the whole world through the ground which is impossible according to the physics we now know. Ground is a good insulator in most parts of the world, but there was water beneath both the great pyramid and the Wardenclyffe tower which made the ground a conductor, which was a great coincidence. Back at the time, the ground having the properties of both insulator and conductor was an unknown topic which led to the failure of the Wardenclyffe tower.  If his plans succeeded then the business of many people would collapse which included the man who was funding the tower, so he stopped funding the tower and the process was at a halt. Even though these things were far from possible, Tesla’s imagination played a fundamental role in wireless communication. 

If the world was provided with wireless electricity, then there would be less vehicles that used fossil fuels and more Electric Vehicles. As such the price of these vehicles would decrease as well, leading to a better environment for the upcoming generations. Also if the electricity was wireless, these cables that we use would be unnecessary and the environment would take a turn for the better.  Even though Tesla’s ideas failed back then, there are small prototypes now that use the same principle of transmitting electricity through electromagnetic waves through the air and ground . And even though these prototypes work on a small scale there is no guarantee that it will work out later on a much larger scale. If by any chance, Tesla had succeeded, then the Earth would be a far better place for us and all of the organisms that reside here.