
Student Corner

The Roles of The Community in Improving and Preserving The Environment

Written by: Rushina Tamang - 26008, Grade X

Posted on: 27 June, 2023

The environment is our home. This is where we live and survive. The environment has given us food, shelter, family and a place to live in. Everything from the first living beings to the creation of human and animals and the development of society occurred in this environment. We might have built a house, community and country, but our environment is the foundation. We wouldn’t survive a minute without the soil we stand on, the sky above our heads or the air we breathe every second. The environment has given us so much and it is only fair if we give it back.

I personally live in a less populated area. My house is on the top of a hill. Which is surrounded by trees, jungles and vegetation. The roads don’t provide much space for cars and buses to drive through so vehicles don’t usually drive on the roads of my community. People are very peaceful here and love the greenery that surrounds them. They love the jungles, the trees, the plants and the animals that come with it. We can find various animals in the jungles that have made the woods their home. Like monkeys, snakes, squirrels, rabbits, and beetles. People love to go on hikes in those jungles. We love how less populated the area is. But what I don’t like about the people of my area is that they don’t protect or care about the environment they love.

They litter plastic and food bags everywhere. Every time I go on a hike, I always see one or two plastic bottles and polythene bags littered. The roads are deconstructed and destroyed. The ponds are dirty in the jungle. And people do nothing about it. People love the idea of going for a hike in the woods but when it comes to maintaining the ecosystem in that jungle they all start turning a blind eye to the situation. We have taken so many fun experiences and resources from that jungle. The environment in the area has provided a homely place for us. People own farms here and maintain the crops like raising a child, why can't they do the same thing for the jungles that surround our habitat?

We have to care for our own environment. We have to take care of our environment like we take care of our home or even ourselves. The environment means everything to living beings. We have to stop people from cutting down jungles and killing animals for their benefit. We cannot put a blind eye to this situation anymore as it has actually become a global crisis now. The emission of chlorofluorocarbons has covered our atmosphere with harmful gases making the atmosphere thinner and thinner. They are killing the forest’s ecosystem. People are killing millions for their few thousand-dollar benefits. At this pace, our future generations will not survive nor see the environment we love so much. Harming the environment is harming us but we are still not stopping. Why? It is because of the capitalist society we live in. We value money more than our lives and future. We are not seeing how we are putting our own homes on fire. Money doesn’t mean everything. During the time of death, our money doesn’t follow us.

We have to make a change. We have to start making impacts. We have to start doing movements and raising our voices on this matter. But, in a way that benefits everyone. We do not need to vandalize other properties to save our own. We have learned a way to influence the world to save our planet in a way that is not harming anyone or anything but impacting everyone in a positive way. We have to start implementing rules about throwing litter on public and private property, we have to start initiating strict rules against environmental pollution. We have to start influencing people into utilizing electric vehicles that do not produce chlorofluorocarbons. We have to clean up our mistakes and give back to our home and environment by taking care of it.