
Student Corner

Social Issue: Child Marriage

Written by: Prasumi Sharma - 31050, Grade V

Posted on: 22 June, 2023

In Nepal, one of the major social issues is child marriage or early marriage. Child marriage generally
refers to the union of two people who are under the age of eighteen. The consequences for the child
Marriage generally affects the overall well-being and development of children. A child marriage occurs.
due to various reasons in Nepal.
Some of the key factors are:
Early marriage is regarded as a source of pride in some cultures.
factor. That is why children under the age of 18 are forced to marry to keep up the family pride.
Next is poverty. When people are poor, they think that children, especially girls, are a burden. Therefore, they married the girl at a very young age, thinking that they would have less financial burden in the future.
Similarly, in education, it is quite evident that the poor are more likely to be illiterate, and they do not
understand the consequences of early marriage.
We also need to understand the consequences of child marriage. The major consequences are:
Education: Mostly girl children are forced to drop out of school after marriage, and boys are often
send off for foreign employment to support their extended family at a very early age.
Health issue: The girl often gets pregnant at an early age. Their bodies are not fully developed to
handle the physical demands of childbirth, increasing the chances of complications during
pregnancy and childbirth.
Psychological and social implications: A girl who marries young is more likely to suffer domestic
violence, isolation, and limited decision-making power within her family. They often face
difficulties adjusting to married life.
Numerous awareness programs have been implemented by the Nepalese government and non-
governmental sectors to end child marriage in Nepal. They are committed to empowering girls through
the provision of education and vocational training
Finally, what we need to understand is that child marriage is one of the most talked-about social issues in
Nepal. It especially affects the girls rights to education, health, and a future. It is crucial for all
of us to come together to address this problem.