
Student Corner

A Day in the Life of a Writer

Written by: Arshan Shrestha - 28012, Grade VIII

Posted on: 21 June, 2023

The alarm goes off at 6:00 AM. I hit the snooze button twice before finally dragging myself out of bed. I make a pot of coffee and sit down at my computer to start writing.I'm a writer, and my day is usually spent working on my latest project. This could be anything from a novel to a short story to a blog post. I usually have a few different projects in the works at any given time, so I like to start my day by checking in on all of them. Once I've had a chance to catch up on my work, I usually take a break for breakfast. I like to eat something healthy and energising, like oatmeal or eggs. After breakfast, I'm ready to get back to work. I usually spend the rest of the morning working on my current project. This could involve writing, editing, or research. I like to take breaks throughout the day to stretch, walk around, or just get up and move around. In the afternoon, I usually have some meetings or interviews. I also like to use this time to answer emails and social media messages. I try to keep my afternoons relatively light so that I can focus on my writing in the evening. In the evening, I usually have dinner and then spend some time working on my writing. I like to write late at night because it's when I'm most creative. I usually work until I'm tired, and then I go to bed and start the whole process over again the next day. Being a writer is a lot of work, but it's also very rewarding. I love being able to create something that others can enjoy. I also love the challenge of coming up with new ideas and stories. If you're thinking about becoming a writer, I would say go for it! It's a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun.