
Student Corner

Keratoconus: A Corneal Disease

Written by: Srishad Shiwakoti - 27026, Grade IX

Posted on: 20 June, 2023

Eye is the most important and most sensitive part of our body. It helps us look at the world. Unfortunately unlike any other parts of our body, the eye also has several diseases and infections. I was also diagnosed with a serious disease called ‘Keratoconus’ in the main part of my eye - Cornea. Luckily it wasn't too late for the surgery so I was protected from it.


Keratoconus is a corneal disease in which our cornea bulges from its place and it becomes thin. It mainly occurs to people with a high level of allergy as allergy makes eyes itchy and people rub it. This disease only happens to children of growing age. It all started when I went to an eye clinic for a check-up as my eye was red. After the checkup, they all were serious and were discussing the issue. We were also feeling a bit scared until an expert Ophthalmologist came and explained everything in detail about the disease. They said I had to put on contact lenses to protect my cornea. We were horrified by the news so we went to Nepal Eye Hospital. There was our relative who is a well-known surgeon Dr Kamal Khadka. He calmed us down and referred us to a Cornea specialist. The specialist doctor said that we had to go through a surgery which is called Collagen Crosslinking. This service is newly adapted in Nepal by only two hospitals. In the process of this surgery, ultraviolet light and eye drops are invaded in the cornea to tighten it. This helps to prevent cornea bulging further and improve the eye-sight at the same time. We went to the best hospital for that surgery - Matrika Eye Center. At first I was scared but later the doctor calmed me down. The surgery of my right eye was fixed on Chaitra 29 after a lot of eye-scan.


It was finally the day of surgery and I was scared and excited as well at the same time because I was going to see the world clearly after this hectic situation. The surgeon was Dr. Shashwat Dhungel, a veteran refractive surgeon. We waited for an hour as the machines were getting ready. I was called into a dark room. There the doctor made me sleep on the bed and poured eye drops but I did not feel any kind of difficulty in my eye though I was conscious. The doctor started to pass laser light in the eye and I sat watching it for 10 minutes. Then I was taken out from the operation room and treated with eye drops every five minutes. However, the first part was over, the second part was still left. The second part was just to watch the laser light for 20 minutes. I was sent out to rest for 30 minutes. I was not feeling any kind of pain due to the medicine but the real pain started after an hour. It was unbearable but I somehow endured it. I had to put medicine in the gap every 15 minutes. My aunt and cousin sister helped me do it as my mom had to go to work. After three days the pain lowered down. And now, after 3 weeks I feel good and my vision is also gradually back. I am still taking medicines and doing follow-up with the doctor.


Now I am still scared because I have to go through the same surgery for my left eye. Nevertheless, I also feel a little confident because the next would be my second time. After this situation happened to me, I suggest everyone not to rub their eyes too much and vigorously. Previously, I had my eyesight -4.5 power but now after the surgery, it's only -1.2 in my right eye. So, this surgery has helped me a lot by curing the disease of my eye. This is all because of the development in technology and expert doctors. I feel very lucky that this technology was introduced in Nepal just six months ago and I could get treatment. Finally, I want to thank the doctors with the quote of Paulo Coehlo ‘Your eyes show the strength of your soul’.