
Student Corner

A paper

Written by: Kabya Oli - 29014, Grade VII

Posted on: 20 June, 2023

A paper crumbled up, tore in despair.
Its darkness is the biggest thing a person can fear.
Knife or scissors does it even matter ?
No, Not one word, not a chatter.


A pit it is thrown at, not one picks it up.
It will be down forever, but who cares?
Who would fear?
Hurtful words are not the things which killed me.


Nor the actions you chose to deal with me.
Blood on the paper killed the letters.
No one can read the paper nor can one utter.
But who would choose to read something on fire?
Its own life is the selfishness it bears.


“Kill me more” the paper choose to utter.
But what can one kill if nothing there is left.
A knife in your hands, a bloody scene you created.


Why do you fix your mistakes?
Run darling, run dig the body up.
Wash the blood off your hands.
Don’t fear it's just a paper, no-one cares.


Wash off the darkness it used to bear.
Wash off the darkness everyone fears.
Fled the murder, or don’t.
Throw the paper in the pit.


Don’t listen to one word it bit.
Run darling, run dig the body up.
Wash the blood off your hands.
Don’t fear it's just a paper, a waste of despair.

But do, darling, do wake up.
That was a nightmare, a huge bump.
Don’t kill a paper, cover its words.
Because It's me, My heart it holds.