
Student Corner

Exploitation of the Environment for Personal Gain: A Crisis

Written by: Aayusi Shrestha - 26002, Grade X

Posted on: 19 June, 2023

The environment plays a huge role in sustaining life on our planet. It provides us with vital resources, clean air, and a balanced ecosystem. However, it is disheartening to witness the alarming increase in individuals who exploit the environment for personal benefits. One of the primary reasons people exploit the environment is rooted in human greed and the pursuit of immediate personal benefits. Individuals and organizations are using the environment and harming it for their selfish gains. People taking advantage of the environment has a lot of negative consequences. People do not understand that if we do not protect the environment then it will only be harmful for us and the next generations.

Majority of the people prefer short term gains over the sustainability of the environment. This mindset is going to lead us to destructive practices such as deforestation, climate change, pollution everywhere and more. A lot of problems like this are already in existence but people are not doing anything about it. Industries and businesses often disregard the environmental consequences of their activities. In some cases, the industries and organizations act like they care about the environment but they are the first ones to harm the environment. It is actually quite true that people will do anything to expand their business even if it means using the environment and ruining it. In this world we are living in money is way more important than our future. When people exploit the environment they do not think about the upcoming future generations. Political interests and corruption often contribute to the exploitation of the environment. In most of the cases, government officials allow the destructive practices to continue unchecked if they are receiving something from it. Corruption weakens the efforts to protect the environment. There are a lot of politicians who fight against environmental cruelty however if they receive something by harming the environment they will not proceed to think once about it. There are many people who harm the environment unknowingly as they are not aware about it. Lack of awareness has caused a lot of problems like pollution, global warming, deforestation, etc. If we really want our future to be more secure then we need to start acting now and also start to protect the environment.

There are a lot of solutions to stop people from utilizing the environment for themselves however a lot of people are too busy or lazy to do it. Through education, sustainable practices, and global collaboration, we can combat this exploitation and ensure a sustainable future for the generations to come. Promoting environmental education and awareness at all levels of society is essential. Governments, organizations, and individuals should all work together to share knowledge, resources, and spread awareness through the power they have. It is important for us to recognize our responsibility as the protectors of the environment and take action to preserve and protect it for the benefit of all.