
Student Corner

What is a Great Gift?

Written by: Jyotsana Tako - 29041, Grade VII

Posted on: 12 June, 2023

A gift is something we either receive or give it to someone we love to show them how much we care about them. Either way a gift can be something like friendship, love, caring and by just helping others out.


Gifts are not only the things that we give whether it's expensive or cheap. If you don't treat the other person properly or just bully them, tease them etc but then give them an expensive gift it won't really matter much to the other person into hating you because like we all know money can't buy happiness. Imagine someone just bullies you like everyday to the point of even hurting you both physically and mentally making you feel useless and worthless to be in this world but at the end like your birthday or  an event just giving you a diamond ring or something worth lots will you accept it being a good gift? well to me it just looks like someone is just giving it to you for the sake of having to do it or having to give it. On the other hand, imagine yourself having a best friend who is very helpful, kind, and caring towards you and in an event or so gives you a cheap gift for example an stationary item would you still appreciate it? Or even if they dont gift you anything but still helps you in your bad times, Well I would!. So some expensive gift here and there would not want to make it a great gift, will it?


A great gift is something which is given to you as a token of care or as a token of love from others to show you how important you are to them and that is what makes it a great gift to us!