
Student Corner

Flora & Ulysses

Written by: Suvani Karki - 29055, Grade VII

Posted on: 08 June, 2023

Book: Flora and Ulysses
Author: Kate Dicamillo
Illustration: K.G Campbell
Official release:  2013
Pages: 250
Characters: Flora, Ulysses, Tootie, Flora's mother, Flora's dad, William Spiver, Rita, The Do-Not, Donald.
Plot: Flora was a natural born cynic. She loved to read comics just like her father. But, her mother didn't like Flora as a cynic. She would call her by the mane of Flora Belle whom Flora obviously hated much. Flora's mom and her dad were divorced. Her mother would read romantic novels and Flora hated romance. Flora was opposite of her mother. One day, Flora was reading her favourite comic, "The illustrated Adventures of Incandesto". She and her father loved this comic. Then she saw her beloved neighbour, Tootie. She was vacuuming her yard. Obviously sounds and was really unusual. Nobody was supposed to vacuum up their yard. But, it seemed like the vacuum was in incharge. It was a super strong cleaner. Then the vacuum, vacuumed up a squirrel. Flora immediately rushed towards Tootie's yard. The vacuum puked out the squirrel and it's hair was all vacuumed up. Also, Flora thought to secretly take him with her. She named her by the name Ulysses. It was vaccum's name. Ulysses 200X. Flora's mother soon found out that there was a squirrel in her house. That night the squirrel was really hungry so he went downstairs and looked into the kitchen. He found a bag full of cheese balls and an interesting typewriter where Flora's mother would type her articles. In the morning, Flora was called by her mother to show the drama that had happened that night. That is how she found that squirrel was in her house. Her mother tried alot to keep Flora away from the squirrel but, Flora took a revenge by hiding her mother's beloved, most important her lamp.
Critical Analysis: I personally like this book, because of the way each and every scene is described so perfectly. I feel like the author did really care about the small details for this book. And the story is also really interesting, adventurous, and funny. Its illustration makes the book even better and the path to make the best.
About the Author: Kate Dicamillo is an American author. She has published more than 25 novels. Including, Flora and Ulysses, The Tale of Despereaux, The Tiger Rising etc. She was born on March 25 1964.