
Student Corner

A Lonely Child

Written by: Eshanee Manandhar - 28004, Grade VIII

Posted on: 07 June, 2023

Sitting in the bench with headphones in her ears
Now, she’s closing her eyes and fighting with her fears
Tears falls down from her small and swollen eyes
Slowly spilling out her life’s, big fat lies


Now, she gets up and goes in the swing
She swings back and forth and doesn’t even flinch
She’s getting lonely every second which passes
Thinking about every single moment of her life she crosses


The next day, she’s still occupied in her own space
Visible is the sadness in her small swollen face
Every part of the world is judging her
Don’t know why and what even is that ” judging" for?


She is already perfect with her talent and beauty
To impress people, she just studies and never parties
No one is there with her during her hard times
Only there when she is during her rich and popular times


She’s still alone and wishes for a comforting person
In the same place crying , until she can see the sun
After the sun arises, she becomes a smiling person
Still knowing, in her heart that she is a lonely person