
Student Corner

Maths Book- Autobiography

Written by: Sambid Dhakal - 30028, Grade VI

Posted on: 07 June, 2023

Hi, I am a mathematics book that was sold in a huge bookstore. There were thousands of people buying my twin brothers. I was sad to leave them, but I knew I had to move on. I found myself in a place far away from the bustling bookstore. It was a giant's house, a giant with four wheels that helped it move faster. However, this giant was not a bad one; it was kind and helped people travel from one place to another.
Finally, I reached my owner's home. It was a long journey, and I was exhausted. My owner placed me on the table, and I fell asleep there, too tired to do anything else. The next day, my owner took me to school. There were 31 students in his class, and it was the largest classroom I had ever seen. I was amazed by its size, but my owner had many friends there who loved reading, just like us. I made new friends and enjoyed spending time with them.
One day, during a mathematics class, my owner looked at me, copied a question, and began solving it. I was about to fall asleep again, but I could not. I stayed awake, watching as my owner diligently worked on the solution. I usually slept from 5 o'clock until the early morning.
Later on, my owner became the vice monitor of the class. His class was quite noisy, and everyone seemed unstoppable, constantly talking. The monitors struggled to maintain order, but I did not mind much. I chatted with my friends instead. I was the newest addition of 2080, while some of my friends were from 2079 or 2078. Nevertheless, I was still happy.
One day, I was left behind at home. Both of my owner's parents had gone to the office, and I was all alone. With nothing to do, I pondered about what my owner might be doing. I fell asleep for a few hours, and when I woke up, I discovered my owner crying at the door. The door was locked, and my owner could not enter. Since I did not have any legs, I struggled to reach a mobile phone and quickly called my owner's mom and dad, urging them to come back. They arrived, unlocked the door, and my owner was relieved. I, however, felt sad because my owner did not show any sadness when leaving me behind.
Eventually, I learned that there was no mathematics class that day. But still, I had nothing to do, so I suggested to my owner that we go to school together, allowing me to meet my friends. My owner laughed and laughed, and then told me to always be placed in the bag and to listen attentively at school. I was happy with this arrangement, but I could not understand why my owner was so joyful that morning. He explained that he had won a quiz contest and credited it to me. I was amazed to hear that just by being there, I had helped my owner gather all the correct information. I was thrilled and proud when he showed me the certificate. Once again, my owner promised that we would go to school together.