
Student Corner

Athletes Should Be Paid Equally

Written by: Kristina Rai - 27006, Grade IX

Posted on: 02 June, 2023

With the slogan that reads, “Men and women in equality endowed with the same dignity” in every small alleys out there, where the voices are still unheard to the world outside and footsteps are on silent echo which still creates the footprint for society to throw each and every tantrum for women. They face backlash just for being involved in ‘masculine activities’ in reality there should not be any gender barrier division on a platform. Both can have the capability to shine but our society indeed never opened the book where it states that a particular gender has the freedom to reflect on themselves in both femininity and masculinity.

Just like the games and sports of every goal with the blood sweat and tears screams the cheers for wearing the golden and silver. This astonishing platform was only to be taken up by men. Ever since the past till the present to our coming future none of the women are given the opportunities to show what they can do. Maybe there might be fewer platforms opened now for women but still there is no sign of change in opportunities of big sports likely today. With some of the most popular games like soccer that gathers the whole world still don't have women in bigger platforms of bigger gameplay. Even though women's world cup was held back in 2019 the total prize was only worth 30 million dollars where as to exactly talk about the men's world cup the prize was worth 400 million dollars, which in fact still shows how stiff this stereotypical society can bluntly treat different genders when both should be defined by the talented with their skills.

As of now, when many people are bringing this topic to the table, raising their voice for equality and justice, the gender pay gap still arises in many other platforms. Women are still not paid enough in comparison to men and this is really affecting the younger youths because of how society has stated the typical gender difference. So it's time for everyone to unite into one to raise our voice and rights against the inequality in each and every field because one deserves to get paid well enough according to their potential. Sports should be a diverse platform where one can fulfill their wants and passion for the world. And just like that if society is together with great women like Serena Williams, Maria Sharapova, Katie Ledecky who have written their names in history with their great passion for sports, many others like these ladies can come forward and show the world that gender doesn’t determine one’s ability. So, the future is ours, if we do not take charge now then the upcoming generation can no longer see the brighter change for gender equality. In this world where history can write thousands of letters with your name, we must look forward to working hard, showing  skills and winning every opportunity that is presented to us.