
Student Corner

Being Germany

Written by: Erish Thapa - 29011, Grade VII

Posted on: 02 June, 2023

Oh you all forget!
Forget what he did
Oh you are thinking 
Should animals be freed

We started the invasion 
At 1939
We tried to punish all the possible country 
That gave us a fine.

Oh did you forget
We created mp40
Ah we cannot be against 
the Soviet Union naughty?

We tried to make 
people happy
But why world and the germany observing
We are scary and crappy

We started the ww1 at 1918
We lost that
But at 1939 we tried to make every country
Like a scary cat

We tried to bring Nepalese
Soldiers gorkhali
But we’re not accepted
Over the challenge of pride of nepali

First we attacked Poland 
We won by support of Soviet Union
Yes we conquered France, Netherland, Denmark
Like a small minion

Hitler boosted by one year 
our economy to  280 billion 
But why are we so dumb
We should be afraid and be scared