
Student Corner

Why For Others' Statements/Choices?

Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade X

Posted on: 09 August, 2020

Why for other’s statements/choices? People intentionally or unintentionally go for other’s choices and statements. What does it mean going for other’s statements/choices? It means giving priority to others rather than yourself, sacrificing your thoughts, and your point of view for others afraid of what they might think of you. Usually, people don’t realize the fact that their thoughts and point of view towards themselves is very important in life. People don’t usually get this thing because they think it is important what others think of them but not important how they see themselves.

As in Alice in Wonderland, White Queen said ‘You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours. It is true and many people live in the world just to please others and agree with their choices. Life is yours and you don’t have to be afraid to choose it to your own accord. There are many people out there who are living as per other’s choices. They are hesitating to speak their own thoughts which indeed is a big mistake. We need to remind ourselves that we’re not living our lives for others but for ourselves. There are quite a few people who speak for their thoughts and choices. For example, a girl is scared to ask anything in her family when it comes to marriage. She is in love with another person but her family has already talked about her relationship with the person she doesn't know. She hesitates to tell her family that she has a person she loves but due to her family choice she agrees with it. Now, the relationship is disturbed with her because she is going to marry a person whom she hasn’t even met. If she had voiced her opinion, her life would be happier and stable with the person she loved. Another example, of a mother and son. Once they went shopping and the son liked a pair of shoes so much but his mother recommended him a pair of shoes which he didn't like. The mother was going to buy those shoes but the son was scared to say that he didn’t like it. After thinking so much, the son says that he doesn’t like those shoes and he doesn't want them. The mother and son had a discussion about it and in the end, the mother buys the pair of shoes which the son liked. The mother was so satisfied with the answer her son told her. He said, “For you, it might be my annoying nature and crazy nature to get these shoes, but it is not I am living for myself and I have an equal right to ask for the things I like and I want the things I like not the things others choose for me.” His mother was so satisfied with the way he gave his answer.

These are some of the examples. Not only I should live my life for myself but we all should live for ourselves, not for others. We should not rely on others for our decisions and choices. Our decisions and choices are made by us. I request all the people to live your life on your own. Live your life to the fullest. Live your life in an independent way not to rely on others. Not having a regret from others' choices and decisions for you. It’s your life, your rules, your choice, and your decision. (Do make sure your decision is not bringing any harm to others.)