
Student Corner

Nepal where the Rana Regime didn’t end

Written by: Eshaan Kumar Rajbhandari - 27027, Grade IX

Posted on: 31 May, 2023

I am Ram, a regular high school kid with no friends. My mom had told me to buy some groceries and when I was exiting the grocery store, I saw two guys with a gun trying to rob the place. Two girls came out running towards me. The robber pointed the gun at those girls, I ran after them and that guy shot me. I practically thought I was dead until I saw a bright  light coming to me. Then I woke up in a whole new world.

I was surprised, I was at my school desk and then suddenly the class representative showed up! I got to know that she was checking home assignments and I showed her my work and she was pleased. Then she checked the work of my bench mate, his name was Suvash Rana. Unfortunately, he had not done his work, so the class representative told the teacher. I don’t know why but the teacher was not angry with Suvash but with the class representative and later on she was punished. She was locked up in the dark room. I was in deep shock when later on I found that the rana regime had not ended in Nepal. I recalled my memories when I was shot and when I was sent to this world. Then when I was thinking about all this, Suvash called me, “Ram, are you all right?” in his usual kind and soft tone. I was scared of him, and then he spoke to me, “Please not you! Don’t be scared of me, you were the one who told me all this is going to end!” I was very pleased to hear that from him. After the class ended. I asked him, “Was that our last class?” he answered “Yes!” We then packed our bags and headed home. Nothing happened to my parents, I was not so surprised because both my parents were the cleverest people I’ve known.

The next day I found out that the class representative was still locked in that room. Suvash seemed to feel extremely guilty, I could see it on his face. Suddenly an idea popped into my mind and I told Suvash. Then I applied it right away, I took my lunch in my pocket and tore up my homework and when the vice class representative was checking it, I acted suspicious and I too was in the dark room with Sita, our class representative. When I entered the room I found out that she was crying. She shouted, “Don’t look at me!'' Then I saw her covered with bruises. I couldn’t do anything but I gave her my lunch, she refused but still I insisted since I knew she was hungry as she hadn’t eaten since yesterday. She devoured the food and then she told me, “You have changed, you never used to put your nose in anyone’s business but you now saved me from hunger.” Hearing that I started to hate myself and made a vow not to be cruel hearted. Later that day we, including Suvash, concluded that we should raise our voices against the Ranas by using the means of technology. How? We didn’t know! Then Sita came up with the solution of declaring Suvash’s kidnapping, the son of the major colonel of the Rana military. I told my parents about it, they supported me the best and gave me the idea that Suvash should be staying in our garage. Not only that but they suggested Sita to join us too. But I was not convinced because I was worried that her parents might not agree. Then suddenly she replied with a cold answer, “They wouldn’t care! But I will call them.” Then there was an awkward pause between me and my parents. She called her mom, they agreed and started to help my mom and dad to cook. While me and Suvash were getting the mattress for him. One week had passed and the search for Suvash had already started since the first day we declared his kidnapping.

On the eighth day nothing was unusual, until a false alarm of the police force and the marching of the army had come in the evening. Suvash had just got out of the bathroom then he panicked seeing us, Sita ran to save him. Suvash's dad pointed the gun at Sita, I ran and took a shot to my head. I looked at the time, it was the exact same time the robber had shot me. Suddenly I woke up. I asked the person beside me, “Where am I?” I found out I was in the real world in the hospital and the nurse ran to call my parents and the doctor. Mom was crying and saying, “My poor little boy” then my dad told me my friends were waiting for me. I asked, “Who are waiting for me, could you please repeat it?” Sita and Suvash came running for me, crying. “Us, you idiot!” scolded Sita. I found out I was in a coma for two hours and that I was almost dead. Then I assumed that god must be crazy.