
Student Corner

Nothing Really Matters

Written by: Rushina Tamang - 26008, Grade X

Posted on: 30 May, 2023

Humans evolve with emotions. They get happy, sad, angry, frustrated, dissatisfied and many more. Our emotions are our humanity. We feel, we perceive, we take out, we let go, we give, we take, we regret, and we make mistakes, all these acts make up our life. Without humans doing these activities, we would be like a rock in the middle of an endless plain. Life wouldn’t exist or maybe we wouldn’t live. The point I’m trying to make here is, human lives are like cars and our emotions are the fuel. Without our emotions, we wouldn’t want to do anything. We would be like something that stays where it exists. But fortunately, humans have emotions, plenty in fact.

Right after our brains develop as we are in the stage of a fetus, we start developing emotions such as  happiness, sadness, anger and fear. After we are born, I feel happy and I smile and laugh to show that smiling or laughing is an activity. I feel angry, I will scream and shout, destroy things or hit others, screaming, shouting and destroying are activities. If I feel curious I would want to discover things, discovering is an emotion. I like a person and want to know them better so I go talk to them, talking to others is an activity. If I feel sympathy for a person struggling and I help them, helping others is an activity. Any and every activity performed by humans is linked to their emotions. And human lives are created from a mass collection of activities. Every memory we ever remember is of us doing some activity while feeling some type of emotion. So, life basically is a term describing all the activities we did during the time we lived and all the things we felt while doing them.

But what if I were to tell you that none of it really matters? 
It’s a beautiful sunny but breezy day. The weather feels very tropical. You look out the window of your house and see a beautiful sunflower growing in the field and the sunflower sways with the wind. You observe the sunflower and think the flower looks really pretty. What you just observed, from that point of view, from that place, during that exact time and place will never be observed by another human ever again. What we see, observe and feel in our perspective in that exact place and time will never be experienced by another. So, do our experiences, our feelings and our being really matter? Because whatever we did in our lives, whatever we have felt and observed till this point, no matter how many different words and ways we try to explain it to others they will never truly understand what we are trying to express. So, no matter how close you are to your partner, they will never know you to the point where you know yourself. Isn’t it crazy knowing the fact that no one will ever feel about you the same way you feel about yourself? So, why do we struggle with pleasing other people? Why do we care about what they do or feel? Why do we hate some and love others? Why do we do things for others? Because simply, whatever we do we will never understand others fully and neither will they. No matter how many years you spent with your partner, no matter how nearly related you were with your partner after you die, they will shed a few tears, they will be in a bad mental state for some time but eventually, they will move on with their lives continuing the cycle of emotions and activities. And all that will be left of you are memories. After you die, all that you did in your life, all that you discovered about yourself and others and all the things that you did that you regretted or loved wouldn’t really matter. Even your children would only have memories left of you and in a few hundred years you will be completely forgotten or only your name and some memories will live. Even if you are a famous person who made an impact on the world, many people will remember your name and some things that you did in your life, but no one will ever truly know the life you lived or your existence.

So, you should never be shy to try new things, make social interactions, create experiences, and discover yourself because in maybe a 1000 years no one will remember a single thing about you.