
Student Corner

As the Night begins

Written by: Krishma Thapa - 27005, Grade IX

Posted on: 26 May, 2023

The placid pattern of darkness hits
Realizing you are all alone
You do are nostalgic and keep going back
The way you promised you never would.

Embellish the familiar feeling 
Its coming back you know it
Not even half past 10 you're done
Those innocent eyes are glistening.

Those shedded tears define it
Wondering and  being nostalgic
You did move on but still have it
Have it with you in the back of your mind.

Life  is a losing game you think
Closing your eyes you realize it's peaceful
And wonder if you can close it forever 
And to be gone forever.

Vision blurred by your eyes
You look terrible crying my love
You do remind yourself , try to avoid it
To once again hear the soft refrain.

Wanting to hold it forever and keep it
Do realize you got friends , you still feel lonely
Cuz the missing part your real home
You are missing it and far away from it.

Doing things you shouldn't do
And at the end you have no clue about it
You keep the side to yourself
Try to regain the joy.

The endless night somehow comes to an end
Looking as beautiful and innocent 
Reminding yourself the worth.