
Student Corner

Self Acceptance

Written by: Roji Gurung - 26007, Grade X

Posted on: 25 May, 2023

The world is big. There is no end to the world we live in and in this world full of lies and class the only person who is going to be there and has always been there for you is you. What I mean by that is if the world turned their back on us, the only one there for us is us. Hence, we need to accept ourselves. So what is self acceptance? It is the act of accepting yourself no matter how you look or how you are. But the question arises do people really accept themselves as how they are? Sadly the answer to this question is no. Seeing billions of people posting themselves, showcasing their picture perfect life but the reality is not so. Many people do go through a phase of loving themselves or they do it just for “attention”. As time passes people forget to accept themselves for who they are. Use of social media is increasing which has started spreading so called trends.

People work on themselves to make them look like the trend. Luxury life, amazing lifestyle, pretty face, slim body structure is what everyone wants nowadays because it is the current ‘trend’. No matter how much we try to make ourselves look better based on those trends, social media, all we are going to do is make ourselves look like a fool. Majority of the time we tend to go with the trend and change ourselves to fit the trends. However, trends are ever changing. The only thing we need to change is our perspective of ourselves and be accepting of who we are. Working out, spending money on skincare and all that will make a difference but in the end we would not succeed at being like that picture, we should do it because we want to do it, for ourselves instead of feeling pressured to fit into the “trend”. Envying people and thinking you aren’t enough is going to make you feel worse, the only way we can get rid of that is to accept our realities and stop envying others. As humans we all function differently and we all have different lives and people in it, all of us are beautiful in our own ways and that is what makes us unique. Self acceptance helps you with mental health too. We can basically say that self acceptance is the key to maintaining mental health. A lot of people who have gone through a breakup have 100% thought that there is something wrong with them so the relationship did not work. It can be anything, looks or behavior and take the blame for it. They even work on completely changing themselves but is that what makes them happy? Will you be happy to change yourself, change who you are? Absolutely not. People always try to hide themselves if they do not love themselves which will lead to exhaustion which may later cause various difficulties. We all should start accepting our flaws no matter what. They are what makes us uniquely “us”.