
Student Corner

A Glimpse Of Power

Written by: Riddhis Sharma - 26006, Grade X

Posted on: 23 May, 2023

“Another man has been killed by them. How long are we supposed to sit like this doing nothing while people are being killed  every second?” said a person in a dark room.

“I have started to prepare for the unimaginable bad things that are about to happen. Gather every trustable person capable of casting magic and is above tier 5.”, said a man from the room facing the only source of light.

A long time ago, the strongest being of all, Zenos created two different layers of the world. The material layer of the world, where the body existed and the astral layer of the world, where the soul resided. The person with a strong soul could manipulate energy into various forms and use it to do incredible things. It was believed that Zenos had a son who was incarnated in this world in the form of a human that was capable of casting magic. He transferred his magic to all the people around the world for equality and died as his soul was destroyed in the process.

100 years later, magic had developed to a great extent. Everyone had magic and was capable of casting spells but some people used magic to go to the darker path in life. Usually, one used dark magic to live longer, get stronger and to absorb another’s soul to gain their abilities but that was magic that was known to be used by only its creator, who no one had ever seen. This person had intended to gain power, enough to fight Zenos and be the king of the world but was stopped in the process. Some of his spells were taken by a man known as Azrail. Some people who stood up against him had formed an alliance with the headmaster of a magic school.

The school was known to be formed by some people that stopped the man trying to gain enough power to fight Zenos. The school was known for having excellent students who did incredible things, and Azrail was one of them. He did horrible, yet incredible things within the school premises. Azrail studied under the strongest  wizard the school had ever seen. He used to idolize the headmaster when he was young but as he came to find out about the man that tried to challenge Zenos, he became more fascinated. He studied his character and later came to the conclusion that he needed absolute power and needed to be superior to all other beings. He started to study the man’s spells and plans in depth in the restricted section of the library when he was in school. And as time passed, he mastered some spells that were powerful enough to kill a strong wizard. By the time the school caught onto his actions, it was too late. When he was caught in the restricted section in the library he killed the caretaker of the library and teleported away, which was  high level magic too. After that he killed people to gain power and did horrible things that one could hardly imagine.

Unaware of his upcoming enemy, Azrail traveled all across the world in order to gain power. Destroying towns and villages in the process. He used every town’s technique to get stronger and later fled from there.

He somehow sensed that he was going to be in danger later and began preparing for the events coming ahead.