
Student Corner

A Strange Dream

Written by: Akshita Bhattarai - 32039, Grade IV

Posted on: 23 May, 2023

Recently, I had a nightmare and it has not left my mind since the time I saw it. 
In my dream, I was locked inside a room. I was struggling to come out;  banging on the doors, windows and everything! 
It was my uncle's room downstairs. I saw a beanbag and I tried making the loudest sound banging the bag so that I could make my parents or grandparents hear me. I slipped my hand through a small space down the door to make myself feel noticed.
I continuously knocked, shouted and did every possible thing to let others know I was locked in. I could see my dog out of the window. I knocked and slapped the window pane too but even my dog didn't notice that. 
Finally, I heard footsteps. I started banging on the door again. I peeped out through a hole in the door and saw my grandma passing by. So I banged and screamed for help. She just went out! 
"Why is everyone ignoring me?" I thought. 
My grandfather also came running downstairs and went out. 
I screamed, "I'M HERE, NOT OUT THERE!" but it was too late. 
I was really tired and hopeless when I saw my father trying to feed the turtle. I tried to call him but now my voice was gone!
I felt like I was going to get locked in forever when my father came and opened the door! He had something behind him. It was a huge plushie that looked like a tiger. My father said," IT'S AN ORANGE TIGER!!" I was scared. It came towards me and then everything was blank. And then, I woke up covered in sweat!