
Student Corner

Impact Of Electronics In Our Life

Written by: Ashish Dahal - 27004, Grade IX

Posted on: 22 May, 2023

In this modern world, I doubt there is someone who doesn't use a mobile or laptop or device of any kind. Even people from rural areas use it to some extent. We humans are so into our devices that sometimes we forget we even have a life beyond them. Young children cry and throw tantrums to use the electronic devices. As per research 29% of kids use electronic devices and 70% of them master them by the time of their primary school age. It has led us to many health issues like headaches, anxiety, stress and many more. If we try to get away from our device for even an hour or so we can't because we are attached to it like ducklings are attached to their mother.

Our ancestors 100 to 150 years ago would not even have thought that humans could be so advanced in 10 years. Although they are very dangerous, they have made our life easier. Nowadays we don't even have to do most of the things by ourselves. If we need to toast bread there is a toaster, if we need entertainment there is internet and tv. If we have to talk to someone far away, or in another region we can. We can read countless articles and books and we can store and download millions of things. There are countless uses of these devices although they are harmful for us. It is all because we do not know how to regulate ourselves. We rely too much on these devices, although they were designed for the purpose of making our lives easier, we have used it to such an extent that they are now making us lazier.

Thinking about the future there may be countless problems we might have to face because of these devices. On average every 18 months 100 - 120 million mobile phones end up in trash. Those phones have too much plastic, the displays include mercury which is one of the most harmful chemicals to humankind. By not managing the devices properly many houses have been burnt. The entire ocean has been infected and the ecosystem that was very peaceful has been harmed. However, at the end of the day, it all depends on the users. If a user can do their work and use their devices sparingly then nothing bad would happen. Human beings are known to overly exert any facility given to them but it is also high time that people become aware, use their conscience and act accordingly if we are to avoid any further issues.
