
Student Corner

A Painting on my Classroom’s Wall

Written by: Sarvani Manandhar - 32016, Grade IV

Posted on: 19 May, 2023

Among the three paintings on my classroom’s wall. There’s one painting towards the left corner of the room that keeps grabbing my attention; the painting of a delicious looking pizza! 
Pizza has always been my favourite food on the menu and I crave it quite often. Adding more to my love for pizza, the painting makes me go crazy. 
The painting has a cheesy and tempting looking pizza. The hot melted cheese dripping down the slice induces my hunger even more especially when it's lunch time approaching. The olives and tomatoes used as toppings surely can give a hint of aroma to a pizza lover like me. 
I really wish I had an ability to get into the picture and pull the pizza out and enjoy it. 
I wonder who might have painted that masterpiece. One thing I know for sure is that the painter is a great pizza lover!