
Student Corner

Is Being Famous Actually Worth It?

Written by: Aakanchhya Khadka - 27001, Grade IX

Posted on: 18 May, 2023

When I was a child my aim was to be a rich and famous singer. There are many people out there who have dreamed of being influential personalities and celebrities as well. Of course being famous gives you all the fame, recognition and ,you can make a huge career in this busy world, create connections with people and become an inspiration to many. It is the life many people have always dreamt of but people who have this dream life have been seen usually  indirectly or directly not happy with it. But the question is, why do many of us don't understand that the life we have is good and satisfying? Everything that has advantages also has a disadvantage. What might seem on the outside can always  not be true.

When you get famous every activity one does becomes a headline, every step you take people are flocking over to see what you have done. Your tiniest of errors can create an unimaginable effect on your life along with your career. We have to try hard to please people - the ones that we do not even know of. You become a people pleaser, someone who has to be perfect at all times. It  is an invisible yet a heavy role we must fulfill no matter what. Not only us but our friends and family all get affected by it. When we become famous there are not only fans who support us but also haters who are trying their best to see our downfall. People can become envious of us and create troubles even when it’s not our fault. The amount of hate they receive can create identity crisis and 
mental health issues.

It is everyone's right to privacy. Even though they are celebrities they are still human at the end of the day they must be given their privacy but once you get famous you are recognized instantly by everyone and getting privacy and personal space becomes much more difficult. Many celebrities have reported being flocked by paparazzi and invading their personal space. The modern era we live in is even more dangerous for famous people. There are people with loads of time on their hands who want to know everything about us from the past to present. They tend to dig up a lot of information, some are embarrassing, some private and others are things we would like to leave behind in the past.

Sometime after you become famous overnight, maintaining it can become even more of a problem. Sachin Pariyar became famous overnight at a small age for saying a line. He was casted in many music videos but later he was found again in Tanahun wounded and asking for help. On January 15, 2023 a plane flying over to Pokhara from Kathmandu containing 72 people had crashed in the time of such an accident where help was needed the most people were staying on live on various social media platforms to earn views. A devastating incident takes place and instead of placing humanity above, we place our own selfish needs ahead. This is only an example. There are many events like this where people are trying to be famous filming horrible incidents . People are going to unimaginable extent to become famous but is being famous actually worth it? Many famous personalities have talked about having various problems that came along with fame but  it has been portrayed that if you become famous you can be happy and fulfill your dreams and the cycle of delusion continues where everyone thinks being famous is the best thing that can happen to an individual. But ask yourself, “Is it actually worth it?”