
Student Corner

My New Year Day

Written by: Uddhati Bhattarai - 32040, Grade IV

Posted on: 17 May, 2023

It was the 1st of Baisakh and it was just a normal day for me and my family until evening. My father suddenly came up to my room and announced that we were going to Bhaktapur. Me, along with my mother and grandmother got ready in a flash and got into the car.
The drive to Lubhu was pretty enjoyable. I didn’t see many people on the road that day. The road felt wide due to less traffic. I could see houses getting constructed, some new ones and some old traditional ones too. 
A twenty five minute drive took us to Bhaktapur. It was nearly 7 pm when we reached Bhaktapur Durbar Square. Though it was that time of the day, I could see a big crowd of people around that place. 
People were busy clicking pictures of the place, enjoying Juju Dhau, the king of curds, taking selfies, some of them strolling, and many of them sitting on the stairs of the temple and chit chatting. It was also fun watching people making reels for TikTok. 
We strolled for about half an hour during which my father introduced me to a few historical monuments.I really liked the Nyatapola temple and the 55 windows palace.
Hungry and thirsty by then, we went to a nearby outlet and had some drinks and food. We then decided to get back home as it was getting darker. By the time we reached home, it was already 9 pm. 
Though it wasn’t my first visit to Bhaktapur, I enjoyed the evening and explored some new places too.