
Student Corner

Why should paper bags replace plastic bags?

Written by: Eshita Lal - 28015, Grade VIII

Posted on: 15 May, 2023

Well, there is much commotion in the world right now about the pros of plastic over paper bags. Save nature through plastic by not using paper made is now a big controversy which was an echo on introducing the plastic. In other parts of the world, people have started radically debating about this topic as this has been an increasing dilemma. Many countries have kept a complete  ban on plastics. We all know that plastics are very deadly for the environment as well as living beings.
Some of the problems caused by Plastics are:
Firstly, plastics are non-biodegradable substances. They take a large amount of years to decompose in the soil if buried. Depending on the material used to make plastics it differs from the period taken to decompose. But commonly it takes from about 20 to 500 years. This is a very long time with the rapid increase of plastic. 
Secondly, plastics have become the major cause of land, water and air pollution. Plastics are deteriorating our planet. Plastics are often burned, buried in the ground, and thrown away in water sources which are harming the animals, humans and the factors of the environment. Burning plastics can result in atmospheric pollution and when thrown into the water sources it can pollute the water source and also harm marine life. 
Thirdly, they are also the major reason for the clogged sewage. Plastic bags, bottles etc are the main reason for the blockage in the sewage line. Which during rain is more deadly as it has a high risk of bringing the flood.
Now it is time people stop making plastics, and as it has also become a huge help in human life, industries can recycle the plastics but not make more plastics. But for that, we must not only rely on the industries and governments but should also take responsibility, and make contributions, like:
We should search for alternatives like paper bags, cloth bags etc. We should give them for recycling and not throw them in the normal trash. We should also reuse the plastics we use. We should spread awareness to more people through social media, real life, banners, programmes etc.But the most efficient method for us is to find alternatives for plastics like Paper bags and cloth bags.
One main reason to most of our surprise is that the paper bags are eco-friendly. Not only is the product eco-friendly but also the source through which paper bags are made. Still with this too the plastic bags are preferred in place of paper bags for its doubt on way formation of paper bags. In contrast, we can be rest assured that paper bags are mostly made of recycled paper, wheat straw, sugar etc. The other reasons behind to say use of paper bag over plastic bag are as follows:
Paper bags are non-toxic to any type of life source or the environment. To the flip side plastic bags are. 
Paper bags are biodegradable substances. They easily decompose back to earth, through water or soil.
Paper bags are not toxic to marine life or any life source.
They can be reused and if not they can always be recycled.
With all the strength and positive traits paper bag withholds, paper bags should be at the center of attention in the world. Plastic production itself is very deadly. We now need not to have doubt that paper bags ought to substitute plastic bags!