
Student Corner

Emotional Intelligence in Schools

Written by: Pranish Khanal - 24080, Grade XI

Posted on: 07 April, 2023

The ability to comprehend and control one's own emotions as well as those of others is known as emotional intelligence. Strong emotional intelligence skills are more crucial than ever for students to acquire in the modern world. Students need to learn how to control their emotions and successfully connect with their peers and teachers considering the rising levels of stress and anxiety in schools. Social and emotional learning programs are one way to introduce emotional intelligence into the classroom. Learning social and emotional competencies, attitudes, and values that support people in controlling their emotions and forming wholesome interpersonal connections is an essential skill in today’s modern world.
Moreover, Emotional Intelligence assists students in recognizing their emotions, increasing their level of self-awareness, and learning how to control their emotions. Students can create good relationships, empathy, and understanding for others by learning how to communicate with others. This contributes to making schools more friendly and inclusive, which ultimately benefits all kids. Schools can be a better place in the presence of emotional intelligence among all the stakeholders. Furthermore, self - awareness, self - management, relationship management and social awareness are the four vital components of emotional intelligence. Similarly, bullying and other forms of violence will be decreased in schools if the students are emotionally intelligent. Strong emotional intelligence abilities enable students to handle conflicts and challenging circumstances without resorting to aggression or violence. All kids benefit from a safer and more encouraging learning environment as a result. This leads to a decrease in conflicts and creates a prosperous environment.  The ability of emotional intelligence is crucial and has numerous advantages for students. Students can learn how to recognize and control their emotions, speak clearly, and form wholesome connections by implementing social emotional learning in their classrooms.

In conclusion, emotional intelligence in schools is crucial for the holistic development of students. As a result, the learning atmosphere is safer and more encouraging, and students are better equipped to succeed in both their academic and personal lives in the future. Ultimately, children can be assisted in acquiring the abilities they need to thrive in today's dynamic environment by supporting emotional intelligence education in schools.