
Student Corner

The Reality of Mirrors, an Eerie Clasp

Written by: Shubhashish Uprety - 24040, Grade XI

Posted on: 28 March, 2023

Hypnotic eyes draw me into the abyss,

The stars call me, empty souls calling my name in bliss.

With my mind like an angel's hair, I enter my maze,

Questioning my presence, I gaze through the rocky phase.


My feet cry for help in this rocky mess,

But nothing below my eye doubts its own finesse.

I see my life, grazing stars and purple sparkles giving light,

A world so beautiful, for it I'd gladly sell off my sight.


I follow the sound, getting closer and near,

As it grows louder, piercing my ear.

There I see a girl, her head bent low,

I called out to her, "Who are you?"


With her head turned around, her face reveals,

A sight that makes my heart yield.

The girl's face is made of mirrors broken,

Each shared a reflection of me, spoken.


Some faces are angelic, some are of the devil,

All of them are different, yet me, they carry.

I am petrified, unable to grasp,

The reality of the mirrors, an eerie clasp.


With fear, confusion, and paranoia, I run out,

The girl's reflection in my mind, without a doubt.

Unable to comprehend what I just saw,

I take my own life, life’s final draw.


We try to escape, but reflections follow us,

Their grip is strong, we can't break free.

We must submit to our true selves,

The reality of mirrors, our destiny.