
Student Corner

ACEI (Association for Childhood Education International)

Written by: Rushina Tamang - 26008, Grade IX

Posted on: 24 March, 2023


ACEI's mission is to foster innovative solutions to educational challenges and inspire action to create a positive and sustainable future for children and young people around the world. Children need stimulating learning environments that provide them with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the challenges of this century. The Association for the Education of Children International (ACEI) is a global non-profit organization. They believe that every child in every country has access to a quality education and this belief is evidenced in their slogan, "A bright future for every child, every country". They also advocate for children's right to education and welfare, work with like-minded groups, and encourage the preparation and development of educators and caregivers. What became ACEI began as the International Kindergarten Federation (IKU) in 1892. The kindergarten movement is still very young in America at this time, and IKUs are educators interested in preparing and educating kindergarten teachers. They have worked to improve both living conditions and educational opportunities for children from poor immigrant communities in the United States as well as children around the world. For example, after World War I, they helped organize kindergartens for refugee children in France. In 1931, the National Committee for Primary Education, together with IKU, established the Association for Children's Education (ACE). In the US during the Depression, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) hired ACE to publish materials for kindergarten teachers. Later, during World War II, ACE sent books and toys to children in Austria, Yugoslavia, Greece, and Italy. They also send instructional materials to their teachers, continuing their mission to enhance teachers' professional competence and instructional materials. Another organizational transition occurred fifteen years later in 1946:


Recognizing the international orientation of its members, they became the Association for the Education of Children International (ACEI). In addition to hosting international conferences around the world, ACEI has sponsored study tours in the United States for teachers from other countries. In this way, they have opened up a global dialogue on educational ideas for children, focusing on ages from birth to early adolescence. The ACEI's four core beliefs echo the CRC: value the uniqueness of each child; maintain shared bonds of dignity and respect; promote the quality of teaching strategies and learning environments; and advocate an education free from prejudice, favoritism or prejudice. Based on these beliefs, ACEI created the Love Me, Teach Me campaign, with four platforms: Look Me, Listen to Me, Love Me and Teach Me.