
Student Corner

She Always Soared Higher

Written by: Shubham Rimal - 23065, Grade XII

Posted on: 23 March, 2023


Ever since we locked our eyes,

I haven’t been the same.

I’m constantly losing myself,

Barely able to find my way back.

But one thing that keeps me grounded

Is the fact that even though I fell first,

She always soared higher.


Time and time again I try to move forward.

But that’s when she lands down,

Pulling me closer to her.

My mind, my own enemy,

Negative thoughts flood my brain-

And I end up moving farther, giving her the space

And she once again soars higher.


Soar is something I can’t do

For all I ever did was clip my own wings.

Hopelessly drowning in my own thoughts,

I watch the air leave my lungs.

She tries to pull me out,

But I refuse and go further down, sinking

While I watch her soar higher.


Distance was never an issue,

But the distance keeps growing.

Feels like we’re ages apart,

I’m stuck inside a glacier

While she moves beyond the Holocene.

I stay inside the ice, telling myself “It’s ok.”

Because while I stayed stagnant, She Always Soared Higher.