
Student Corner

Are We Living in a Fantasized World?

Written by: Samriddha Raj Satyal - 24063, Grade XI

Posted on: 22 March, 2023


The fantasy world of social media, celebrity culture, and reality TV is all too accessible in today's globe. It is simple to lose touch with reality and think we are living in a fantasy world due to the continual barrage of glorified pictures and lifestyles. I'll make a case for the motion in this write-up.


We live in a human-made fantasized world. All of us can only achieve realism when we actually understand that we are living in this fantasy. I believe that Lord Buddha was not enlightened because he was god gifted, instead the reason is because he understood realism which means that he got out from the human-made fantasized world. One example that proves the fantasy of this world is money. We all know, money is nothing more than just a piece of paper, but we, the human beings, have created a fantasy inside our consciousness that makes money the most powerful thing in this world. We're living inside of a matrix, we just get up, study, work, eat, sleep; and repeat. There is a lot more in this world to do which makes us closer to realism. Another fantasy we live inside is social media. First off, social media has twisted people's perceptions of reality by encouraging them to only share the best moments of their lives, giving the impression that everything is fine. As a result, there is now a culture of comparison and competitiveness, where individuals feel under pressure to project a flawless self-image rather than being authentic. Instead of focusing on their genuine beliefs and objectives, this has produced a generation of individuals who are consumed with their looks, way of life, and social standings. Likewise, the entertainment industry is also some kind of fantasy. Many of us want to become like someone else which makes us lose our own identity that takes us far away from realism. 


So in conclusion, we can say that we are living inside a fantasized world that makes humans the most powerful living organism in this world. Animals see the world just the way it is, which is why their coordination is weaker, but it is the opposite in the case of humans. But again, that may be a good point but if we see this from a different point, humans don't know what realism looks like, or what the real world looks like that makes humans weaker from the sedimental point of view.