
Student Corner

ASIA Onlus

Written by: Manaswi Sapkota - 26004, Grade IX

Posted on: 16 March, 2023


ASIA Onlus was founded in 1988 by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. Chögyal was a former professor at Naples University Orbu. ASIA is an active, social, non-profit organization. It has made its presence known in many Asian countries, such as Tibet, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Mongolia, Bhutan, etc.

It is an organization that works towards preserving the traditions and cultures of different Asian countries. It has made its mission to spread the cultures of different countries throughout the world. According to the organization, they value respecting other people, helping them regardless of their gender, race, faith, religion, etc. Other values that ASIA holds are the importance of education for all. They are working to educate the entire Asian population. It is an organization that is quite transparent and takes accountability for its mistakes.

Well, Asia had managed to accomplish most of its goals. They have built 13 Buddhist and Bonpo study and practice colleges. They have managed to publish and promote 300,000 volumes of ancient, unpublished sacred Buddhist texts. This is all with regards to heritage and cultural safeguards. In terms of education, Asia has built 42 schools in general and 19 schools in Tibet that have all traditional architectural styles. They have also increased the number of teachers in rural areas by 494 in total. This has helped 33,513 children, and many more are still to be counted.

Long-distance sponsorships are also something that this organization does. So far, 4,306 children have been helped by sponsors around the world. Not just children, but 165 elderly, 757 monks and nuns, and 375 students are being supported due to ASIA. Just like that, in the health sector, Asia has trained 691 doctors and built 20 clinics, of which 4 specialize in Tibetan medicine. They have also built 798 toilets and supplied clean water to 38 villages.

ASIA has helped educate many people both culturally and academically. Asia has the following qualifications:

  • Carry out short-term programs in developing countries,
  • Public awareness,
  • Local training for the citizens of developing countries
  • Utilization of all human resources by providing job opportunities.

Additionally, ASIA reveals its financial statements. According to the source, ASIA intervenes in jobs related to long-distance sponsorship, education, emergencies, training, information, and development. These actions have mostly been taken in Bhutan, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar. It is also a part of different social networks too. Some of them are Regione Toscana, Mountain Partnership, Forum SAD, La Gabbianella, and Tavolo Nuova Cooperazione—comitato cittadino del Comune di Roma. Asia has also partnered with UN agencies such as WHO, UNICEF, WFP, IFAD, etc. Talking about Nepal, ASIA has worked with CEAPRED, DADO of Dhulikhel District, Kavrepalanchok District, Rasuwa District, Hasera Organic Farm, Langtang National Park, SCF, We World, etc.

In conclusion, we can say that ASIA is a great organization that has helped a lot of people. It has also encouraged others to help one another and those in need. Asia has its own website, where they also promote different clothes, instruments, accessories, etc. of the countries they are working in.