
Student Corner

The Mysterious Village Part-1

Written by: Sarvesh Raj Adhikari - 30056, Grade V

Posted on: 14 March, 2023


This is an incident from 1948 about a young boy named John who lived in Los Angeles, California. One day, he wanted to visit his birthplace, which was a small village called Monaco. There were a total of 160 people living in that village. One night, all of the village people suddenly disappeared. There was no one who knew about those people. From that day on, that village was known as a ghost village. Nobody dares to come to that village because everybody thinks that that village is cursed.


John was unaware of this, so he decided to visit the village with his friends Katherine and Jack. It took them 11 hours to get to that place. John wanted to take many pictures in his village because he had not been there for a long time. While taking pictures, he saw the danger sign at the entrance of the village. They started to wander and discuss the sign. An old woman was standing there, and she was listening to them, so she came near and warned them about it, but they ignored it and laughed at her.


They went inside the village and started to click pictures. They also saw many farms and decided to take pictures near all the farms. Everything was fine in the village. They enjoyed the greenery and the environment of the village. However, they were surprised to see the empty village, but it did not bother them. They saw one old house and decided to stay there. That night, in their dream, they saw many people and monsters. Everybody had the same dream and woke up at the same time. They thought it was just a coincidence and did not care much, but they were unaware that a huge disaster was chasing them.


The next day, they went to every farm and clicked pictures. There were many scarecrows. They took pictures of them too. After an hour, they took a rest and started to look at their picture with many scarecrows. They noticed that one scarecrow was very different and weird from the others. But when they observed that particular scarecrow, they observed that actually it was a human with one eye and the other side full of blood. They later realised about the danger sign and the thing that old women told them when they were entering the village and finally knew about the truth of that village; they later found an old newspaper where it was written, "Today, in 1932, 160 people in this village disappeared together". Later, they learned about this cursed village, so they immediately started packing to leave the village, but it was too late; they started hearing weird noises.