
Student Corner

Is Politics Destroying The World?

Written by: Aavash Malla - 26001, Grade IX

Posted on: 10 March, 2023

Politics can be defined as the actions involved in governing a nation or country, mainly the discussions between the powerful. So is politics really destroying the world? Well, there can be many answers to this question but I think yes, it is destroying the world slowly but surely. Politics has just been a way of attaining power as being the one at the highest post of the country means gaining a lot of power and admiration. If politics had been fair and not just a game of power then I guess the world would have developed way more than it is now. It generally depends upon the word politics and where we use it. For example if there is good work happening like building schools in remote villages then we call that politics good but if there is no development in an area then we call the politics bad as it has not paid attention to those areas so who is at fault the politics of the country or the politicians who govern the country? What I think is that the politics is only bad when the politician makes it bad. If a politician has the power to make good decisions and change the country then why are they not doing their duty and just watching the country fall?  I agree that the world has developed into a better place but what has been the role of politicians in it? I just do not believe in the fact that what we have accomplished now is just because of politics but rather because of us normal people who do hard work to develop the country. If all politicians are just being politicians for the post then sooner or later we will face many difficulties in our country. A Politician's post is just as important as a doctor's post. A politician makes the decision of developing the country in major and minor ways. If politicians do not have a proper way of leading the country then the civilians of the country will also be hampered by the decisions and actions of politics. If all people become politicians just for the post and power and money then there will just be corruption and no proper decision made in the country which can not lead to economic growth in the country. The problem with a country not having any growth is not the problem of politics but the politicians who run the country. If the politicians are not doing their work properly then it is not the fault of politics but it is the fault of politicians who are involved in politics. So we are not sure if politics is destroying the world or rather the politicians. Not to mention politicians are most of the time very selfish and make decisions on what they like rather than what is necessary for the country and we people also only vote for the old politicians who we know have done nothing but we don’t know whom to vote for so that is one common problem. If the politics was good and actually beneficial for the country then it would not destroy the world but make it a better place.