
Student Corner

Diasporan Communities

Written by: Aarnav Dahal - 24005, Grade XI

Posted on: 08 March, 2023


Diasporan Communities, far and wide,

Spread across the world, a global tide,

Bound by a common heritage and pride-

All people united, a force to abide.


They carry with them the memories of the past,

Of struggles and triumphs, of peace and contrast,

They navigate new lands, a journey so vast,

With resilience and hope that forever lasts.


In Diasporan Communities, identity is key,

A sense of belonging, a legacy to be,

Through music, art, and cuisine, they see-

Their roots and heritage, a part of their being.


Diasporan communities, a powerful force,

A bridge between cultures, a source of discourse,

A melting pot, a celebration, a diverse course-

A legacy for the future, an eternal source.