
Student Corner


Written by: Bibechana Dangol - 30009, Grade V

Posted on: 08 March, 2023

A rainbow is a natural phenomenon that appears in the sky before or after rain and when the sun rises. It is a seven-coloured, long, wide, semicircular band going from one end of the earth to another.The seven colours of the rainbow are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Sometimes only a red-coloured rainbow is seen, which is called a Monochrome Rainbow. When the sunlight passes from a thinner medium to a denser medium, all seven colours present in the sunlight form a semi-circular rainbow. The rainbow is actually circular. When we see it from the ground, the bottom part is hidden. If we see the rainbow from a flying aeroplane, we can see the circular rainbow. The reflection and refraction of light creates a rainbow.
There are two types of rainbows. They are the primary rainbow and the secondary rainbow. In the primary rainbow, we see the red colour on top and the violet colour on the bottom. In a secondary rainbow, we see the violet colour on top and the red colour on the bottom. A secondary rainbow seems fainter than a primary rainbow.
When light is refracted as it enters a droplet of water, it splits into different colours and is refracted back. People believe that if a rainbow is seen after rain, there will be no more rain. In Hinduism, a rainbow is called ‘Indradhanush’ the bow of Lord Indra. Indra is the god of rain. Rainbows are seen after storms, too. In many cultures, it is considered a symbol of peace. The rainbow is wonderful. When we see the rainbow, we feel that the angel is smiling at us. It is pleasant to the eyes. Small kids enjoy seeing a rainbow. It gives anyone a happy feeling. Many poets have created poems about the rainbow. Our ancestors believed that the rainbow was the bridge between earth and heaven. So we become very happy when we see the rainbow.