
Student Corner

The Lost Wallet

Written by: Sabhya Marasini Pradhan - 30039, Grade V

Posted on: 01 March, 2023

An old man was telling a story to his grandchildren about an old man, and the story went like this: A poor man in a village was looking for a job. He had four children, and his wife had passed away. He had barely any money left to feed his family.

He was walking from door to door to find a job, and everyone rejected him. One day he found a wallet full of money and an identity card. He knew who it was and recognized the owner as soon as he looked at the card. At first he thought of taking the money and then he realised it is wrong to take others' money. So, he decided to go to the owner’s house and returned the wallet to him. He did the same. The owner was very happy, and he gave the poor man enough money to feed his family and also offered a well-paying job. After that, he could keep food on the table for his family. The moral is that we should not give up and always be honest.