
Student Corner

A Lost Little Girl Part-1

Written by: Pritha Khanal - 30022, Grade V

Posted on: 23 February, 2023

Not that long ago, on a winter day, a little girl named Emma sat on a plane with her father, looking out the window as it rained heavily. She was only about six years old and didn't understand why they had to go abroad or move to China.

"Dada," she said as the plane was landing, and her father replied, "Yes, my Emzy, what's wrong?" "Are we landing?" she whispered, feeling a bit scared. The plane landed just then, and he and Emma got off the plane, finding themselves in China.

Emma tried to hide her fear, but her father knew she was scared. "Don't worry, Emma, you'll make new friends, and you know the language, what's there to be afraid of?" he told her.

"You're right, Dada, but what if the new kids don't like me?" she responded with a sigh.

"You're overthinking, Emma, don't be silly!" her father answered.

"You're right, Dada, that was silly. If some kids don't like me, then others will, and I can be friends with them," she responded, with a smile on her face.

Little did she know that smile wouldn't last for long. After reaching the hotel, Emma decided to distribute chocolate to her new classmates. She asked her father for permission and he said she could go but not too far from the hotel. Emma agreed but broke the agreement without noticing. She walked until she saw her favourite chocolate in a shop and decided to buy it to give to her classmates. However, she went too far from the hotel and couldn't remember the way back.

Emma tried to retrace her steps, but she couldn't remember them. She started to feel scared and lost, wondering how she would ever find her way back to the hotel. She wished she had listened to her father's advice and stayed closer to the hotel.