
Student Corner

Fond Memories

Written by: Aayaan Rai - 31006, Grade IV

Posted on: 22 February, 2023

It is all about my mother’s past stories, which are precious like china chips. 

My mother lived in a small village named Sungure on the banks of the Tamakoshi River. She was just five years old at that time. One evening my mother along with her family heard commotion near her house. My mother and her family heard commotion near her house one evening. Some people sounded scared, and some sounded excited. My mother and her family went to see what it was. To their surprise, there was a big tiger walking along the river. It was her first time seeing a tiger in the wild. She could not sleep the entire night, but she thought that the tiger would come to the house. She obviously could not go to the toilet outside the house. The other day, there was news that the tiger ate goats, which scared my mother more. After a few days, she wasn’t scared anymore.

Even today, she remembers as if it happened yesterday. This is one of her fondest memories of her childhood.