
Student Corner

Smoking in Public Places Should be Banned

Written by: Shuvee Lamichhane - 29033, Grade VI

Posted on: 22 February, 2023

In my personal opinion smoking in public places should be banned because smoking is very harmful not only to the consumer's body but also the people around the consumer and the environment.  Smoking causes lung diseases and mouth diseases to the consumer. But the smoke that is produced by the consumer smoke is harmful to the environment and the people around them.

The cigarette was invented in the United States in the early 19th century. The cigarette became popular by the time of the civil war and people were using the cigarettes without knowing the harmful effects of  it . But nowadays  even though we have so much information, people still continue to use it.  Now why do people still continue to smoke?  Because smoking and tobacco is addicting.

Now what harm can smoking cause to the human body and the environment?  We all know that smoking kills. But how can it kill?  Tobacco is addicting and once a person consumes it day after day and makes a habit of smoking a person gets addicted. Smoking can cause different harmful diseases including lung cancer, throat cancer, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, stroke, and many other diseases. The harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke can damage the lungs, heart, blood vessels, and other organs in the body.

In addition, smoking during pregnancy can increase the risk of complications for both the mother and the baby.  But when the consumer smokes in public areas it not only harms the consumer but also the environment and the people around the consumer. Smoking causes air pollution and that also pollutes the environment and that also harms the people around them. So in my opinion smoking in public should be banned.