
Student Corner

Not So Lucky Day!

Written by: Nitika Kapali - 30016, Grade V

Posted on: 21 February, 2023

I am Anna. I was 8 years old when this happened. I was in my bed. It was morning. I slowly woke up and looked at my hands. "Oh No! "Where did it go?" I said while checking my other hand as well. I jumped out of my bed. I looked under my bed, under the sofa in my living room, in the kitchen, and throughout the house. My mother was perplexed as she watched me rush to find something. She asked, "What happened, Anna?" "You woke up quite early today." "Mom, have you seen my pink ring?" I asked as fast as I could. "No, I am sorry, but I haven’t." "Why don’t you check your room?" Mom answered. "I checked everywhere, mom, but I still haven't found it!" 
If you're confused, this is me. When I was 8 years old, I believed in fairies, mermaids, and lucky charms. Every other 3rd grader in my school had a lucky charm, and so did I. It was my pink ring. "Oh no! What should I do now? "My life will end!" I panicked. My mom wanted to laugh so hard, but she controlled it and tried to convince me. Well, I was late to school too, so I went upstairs with a heavy heart and combed my hair, but, oops!, the comb was stuck in my hair. I yelled. But I managed to reach school on time, thanks to my mom. I went to my friends and told them about my ring. One of them named Charlotte said, "Oh no, an alien must have stolen it; I hope mine doesn’t get lost." I was overthinking. What if an alien had actually stolen it? I made it through class somehow. Mom had packed my favorite cheese pasta for me in the afternoon because she knew how upset I had been all morning. I went to the cafeteria, and I was still thinking about my ring, and I tripped and fell down. On the floor, there was cheese pasta and a few jelly beans. I cried. My friends shared their lunch with me. "It’s all happening because I don't have my lucky pink ring with me," I said while I slapped my head. "Don’t worry, Anna. "Your mom must have found it," Julie said. At school, I seemed to be lost in class. I blamed it on my ring. It was home time. I hopped inside the school bus and hoped nothing bad would happen. I was looking out the window. When I reached home, I got off the bus. Outside there was a bulldog. As soon as I stepped my foot out of the bus, the dog started to chase me. I went round and round in my house. The teacher on my bus wanted to save me, but time was running out, and the bus went away. I was running so fast I didn't even notice the muddy puddle in front of me, and I fell down and scraped my knee. I cried and went home. My mom looked at me. I was covered with mud, my eyes were full of tears, and my knee was scraped. I looked like a mess! "Aww, poor thing!" my mom said. She gave me a warm bath and gave me warm milk. I got cosy in my bed, and mom stroked my head. "I found your pink ring. "It was in the bathroom cupboard; you must have kept it there." I was very happy, and I also explained how unlucky my day was. "Aww, but did you notice?" "You couldn't concentrate on anything else because you were preoccupied with the ring all day." But I didn’t care and made a little corner for the ring in my heart.