
Student Corner

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Written by: Roji Gurung - 26007, Grade IX

Posted on: 17 February, 2023

In simple words, Disorder means difficulty in functioning due to an illness. There are many common disorders. Body Dysmorphic Disorder is one of them. BDD or dysmorphophobia are other names for body dysmorphic disorder. Oxford dictionary has defined it as “A mental condition characterized by extreme preoccupation with self-perceived defects in the appearance of the body, leading to distress and impairment of social and occupational functioning.” Enrico Morselli made the initial discovery of it in 1891. This disorder affects one's life terribly as it is uncontrollable. People having this phobia have a hard time accepting them as who they are. They find it extremely difficult to accept their appearance. They think a lot about their appearance and on how to look good, These people think a lot about their appearance which  may lead to having depression, suicidal thoughts which can result in many harmful behaviours like self-harm. BDD can affect people of any age but it is more prevalent in adolescent and young adults, People who suffer from this disorder have an obsessive concern in their appearance and comparing their appearance with others. Both men and women are impacted by this phobia. A person with BDD places a lot of attention on their appearance and body image. If you have this disorder you would constantly check yourself in the mirror, you spent hours grooming yourself. You would not care about your work and stare at yourself figuring out how to look all day long which affects the ability to do your regular work. Some major symptoms of Body Dysmorphic Disorder are:


  • Comparing your appearances with others all the time,
  • Always asking others if they think you look alright,
  • Trying different types of chemical products in your skins to make it look good,
  • Worrying excessively about a certain body part, particularly your face,
  • Having a sensation of fear and depression. 


If these symptoms are seen you may have a BDD. People suffering from this disorder may even try to seek help from surgeons trying to look good by spending money to look good through plastic surgeries. It may occur from an early teenage age. It is also a genetic problem. Past trauma’s like abuse, bullying can  cause this problem. Recent study has shown that 70 % of people suffering this disorder have a history of being abused as a child. An expert in mental health will make a diagnosis of BDD based on your symptoms and how much they interfere with your life. BDD cannot be cured, however treatments like therapy can lessen its symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment initiation may also be helpful in some cases. But if your symptoms are more serious than you should get a CBT and a SSRI. Combining Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) gives you a few punches to the powerful symptoms making it slowly die. If you show any symptoms of BDD you should immediately consult with a doctor and check if you really have this disorder, If yes you should start taking treatment so that it would not worsen in the future. 
