
Student Corner

Mary’s Birthday Party

Written by: Akshita Bhattarai - 32039, Grade III

Posted on: 09 February, 2023

Mary celebrated her birthday on 23rd May. It was her 9th birthday. She invited her cousins and her best friend Hannah. When Hannah came, she hugged Mary and they both went to play on the trampoline. While they were playing, Mary’s mom prepared a birthday cake. After that, her mom called them in. There was a big cake on the table with candles on it. Mary looked happy and she blew out the candles and received many presents from her friends and relatives. Her mom went inside and came out with a pink bicycle to gift Mary. Mary was surprised to see the bicycle because she always wanted it. Everyone celebrated Mary’s birthday happily and the happiest person in the party was Mary because she received many presents and her favourite one was her new bicycle.