
Student Corner

The Worst Day Of My Life

Written by: Sarvesh Raj Adhikari - 30056, Grade V

Posted on: 09 February, 2023

The worst day of my life was the day my grandfather passed away. At that time, I didn’t know anything about what was happening with my grandfather. I went to the hospital to meet my grandfather. He was looking very sleepy and tired. My mother told me he was suffering from cancer, but I did not know what that meant. That day, many of my relatives visited him. The next day, my mother told me that my grandfather had gone to the gods. I was confused about what that meant. I asked my mother what that meant, but she did not respond and left. The next day, I went to Hetauda, where I saw my uncle, aunt, little sister, brother-in-law, and my two big brothers who came from Australia. They were all wearing white clothes, so me and my little sister were confused. After one week, they came out of a room before; they did not allow us to touch them, but after a week they allowed us to, so I hugged my father, and my little sister hugged my uncle.  We stayed in Hetauda for more than 13 days with my family, but after some days we returned home. I was happy with my little sister and two old brothers, but when me and my family dropped them off at the airport and when we were returning home on the taxi, I again had a question in my mind, so I asked my mom, "When will my grandfather return from the god’s home?" She told me ‘Never’, and I had a lot of questions, but now I know everything that happened that week. I again want to meet my grandfather because he loved me a lot and I also love him a lot, but now I know that I can never meet him again.