
Student Corner

Travel - An important Source of Education

Written by: Saphal Sapkota - 23054, Grade XII

Posted on: 06 February, 2023

To travel is to discover places in the world. Travel is a very important aspect of education and our life, an experience to learn on personal levels with hands-on experience. When people travel to new places, they remember information faster and retain it longer just by experiencing it. Traveling from one part to other parts of any country provides us the opportunity to see various cultures and societies. It also enables a person to learn manners, different customs, languages and the history of different places. On the other hand, traveling to a new place gives us altogether a different experience. All of these travels will add up to a worldly view that would remain like a feeling of connection with people, places and events from all over the whole world. 
In the past few years it has become pretty common for people to travel from one country to another country as a part of their educational programme or for entertainment purposes. As joyful as it is to read about places and people, to experience a personal visit to these places, and interact personally with people allow us to understand and even appreciate different places in a more lasting and significant way; our minds open up to new things, people, places and new experiences. Traveling is one of the best and most entertaining ways to get an education. Schools are great ways to learn and build your knowledge base but travel takes what you have already learnt and it expands, and makes us skillful.