
Student Corner

The Frogs’ Story from a Faraway Land

Written by: Shine Pathak - 24085, Grade XI

Posted on: 03 February, 2023

Once upon a time, there existed two beautiful cities. Both were known for their unparalleled beauties. Not even the King’s palace was anyway a comparison to these two cities. The two cities were inhabited by two frogs; both lived at some streams present in the two cities.
The frog who lived in city A wanted to witness the beauty of city B while the frog who lived in city B wanted to witness the beauty of city A. So one fine day, both the frogs packed their luggages and decided to visit  each other's cities. The journey was very tiring and both of them had no idea how much more they had to travel in order to reach the other cities. Between the two cities, there was a huge mountain, and to reach the other cities, they both had to climb the mountain.
It took a long way for them to reach the top, and there they were at the top of the mountain, and to their surprise, the two frogs met each other in the middle of their ways! Both the frogs in their tiring respective journeys, finally met each other and had a long conversation regarding their personal life and their respective cities. They both loved how they wanted to visit each other’s cities. 
‘I wish we were as tall as the giants,’ the Frog cried. ‘Then, we wouldn’t have to cross all the way to reach our destinations and tell if it’d be worth our time to go there. ‘Oh, that would not be a problem,’ the other frog replied with a smirk. ‘We just have to use our superman-like hind legs, and hold onto each other. Then we can both see the cities that we are traveling to.’ 
The two frogs really liked the proposed idea and implemented their plan. Both the frogs held onto each other, stretched themselves and jumped as high as they could. They held each other very tightly, so none of them would fall down. But the foolish frogs forgot that when they stand, their eyes lay backwards and even if their noses might point out where they want to go, their eyes would see the places where they actually came from!
‘Oh god! The city looks exactly like a copy of my hometown,’ cried the frogs. ‘I think it was not worth my time to go on such a long journey. I shall go home. If I knew that the two cities look exactly the same, I wouldn’t have traveled this far.’  They both politely bid farewell to each other and returned back to their homelands.